Monday, 30 November 2015

Ammonia Plant Backend Continuity Run of 257 days achieved on 31st Dec 2011

Sona Bulletin
half of year 2011 remained challenging due to gas curtailment by GOP and a production deficit of 14,485 Met in 1st half of 2011 owing to plant shutdown  immediately after turnaround on account of urea stripper leakage. However, with the grace of Almighty Allah, we have successfully achieved the production target. Total urea production during the period is 421,880 Met while accumulated production for year 2011 is 771,195 MeT which exceeds the stipulated target by 5,495 Met. Ever Highest Quarterly Urea Production of 210,650 MeT was achieved in 3rd 2011 207,881 MeT of 1 2010. Urea Plant Continuity Run of 156 days achieved against previous best of 131, 2010.
Ammonia Plant Backend Continuity Run of 257 days achieved on 31st Dec 2011, 43, 2009. Ever Lowest Specific Energy Consumption of 6.15 Gcal/Met urea achieved  in Dec. 2011 against previous best of 6.19 Gcal/MeT urea in Nov. 2011. A total 10.97 million man-hours has been completed as of December 31, by the grace of Allah, employees’ commitment and safety our first strategy and priority.  Successful inspection of FFC plant was carried out by United Nations OPCW (Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) team on September 28, 2011. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Govt. of Pakistan coordinated this activity and highly appreciated the professionalism of FFC- team.
Reliability Assurance & Enhancement of Ammonia Storage Sphere S-502
Reliability Assurance & Enhancement of Ammonia Storage Sphere S-502
Internal inspection of Ammonia storage sphere, S-502 was carried out to assess the Reliability and to avoid any catastrophe. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing (WFMPT) was carried out on welding seams and heat affected zones to check the    presence of stress corrosion cracking. WFMPT revealed 108 different defects with a    major share of 89 SCC defects. The most dominant cause of SCC detected was    presence of arc strikes resulting in high hardness in heat affected zone. All defects and arcs were removed and a complete visual examination of weld seams was carried out. Detailed inspection and preventive maintenance have improved the reliability of storage tank.
In July 2011, excursion in sulfur slip from De-sulphurizer was observed. Latest catalyst version, HTZ-5 was loaded in record time of 19 hrs. The catalyst was taken in-service online first time in the history of FFC. Currently both reactors are in service to prolong the maximum possible life of old and new catalysts respectively.
New Filters Installation at Gas Turbine
In order to prolong the life of new gas turbine, GT-703 pre-filters and secondary filters, a layer of additional reusable pre-filters was installed. Installation of a new pre-filter has reduced replacement frequency of existing filters, thereby saving gas turbine shutdowns.
Commissioning of New Quality Water Tube Wells
Over pumping from existing wells is causing deterioration of well water quality and a significant increase in chemicals consumption. In order to meet the demands of good quality water for water treatment section, 06 new tube wells have been installed & commissioned alongside the bank of Masuwah Canal.
Taprogge System Rehabilitation
To increase heat transfer coefficient and service life of surface condensers, Taprogge online tube cleaning system of CO2 compressor turbine was rehabilitated, tested and shall be taken in service in forthcoming summer season after receiving balls. The system was out of service since commissioning in 1980s.
Replacement of Scrapper Power and Control Panel
Old Scrapper panel had completed its useful life and its spares were obsolete. Installation and commissioning of new scrapper power and control panel was done in a shutdown. New control station has been installed successfully and all cables dressed along with replacement of panel to improve reliability of operation and area outlook.
Urea Scrapper Repair
Urea Scrapper, ME-1201 is used at plant to transfer urea from bulk store for final shipment. Ball turning connection is installed between upper and lower trucks of scrapper for slewing operation. During last inspection, ball turning connection was found worn out which could cause collapse of the whole machine. Major overhaul of the machine including replacement of the ball turning connection was undertaken in collaboration with OEM. This major activity was performed First time since commissioning in 1980.Scrapper was successfully commissioned and is now performing effectively
Resolution of High Dissolved Oxygen at Deaerator
High dissolved oxygen in boiler feed water was among the chronic issues after takeover. Numerous efforts like optimization of de-aerator parameters and detailed mechanical checks of de-aeration system were carried out to improve de-aerator performance. However, the problem remained unresolved. For rectification, replacement of oxygen scavenger was studied and implemented which resulted in decrease in dissolved oxygen level to 10 ppb compared to 15-25 ppb with hydrazine. Resolution of the problem would otherwise require replacement of deaerator at a cost of ~ Rs. 40 Million
Control System for New Waste Heat Boiler B-603
Control System for New Waste Heat Boiler B-603
Expansion of existing Yokogawa DCS system was carried out to install the new control system of B-603. Boiler is equipped with advanced control algorithms based on latest technology which were par beyond the capabilities of the existing boilers control loops.Complete control configuration, testing and commissioning on DCS was performed online. All tasks from hardware expansion to system engineering and commissioning were carried out using in-house expertise
Silo Knockers
Silo knockers were successfully installed & commissioned at 80 ton hopper at B & S. The modification significantly reduced choking problem along with improvement in continuous shipment of the product. The new system has also considerably reduced the product urea spillage /wastage.
New Colchester Lathe Machine
One of the old lathe machines was replaced with new modern Colchester Triumph - 2500 lathe machine. The new machine is more accurate and efficient and thereby improves the machining  job accuracy.
Plant History Software
To achieve efficient troubleshooting of plant problems particularly during emergency shutdowns, history database software comprising historical data (maintenance records, inspection reports etc.) of all major equipment, machines, control valves and safety valves of the plant has been developed. So far more than 4000 history records have been entered in the system.
After load reduction of the plant due to gas curtailment, direct LS steam to Benfield stripper, C-301 was stopped resulting into LS steam saving by 5.0 ton/hr. HS steam saving of ~ 1.0 tons/hr was achieved by optimizing Primary reformer draft and Ammonia plant process condensate section parameters.
A total of 108 in-house, in-country & abroad training courses were arranged by Technical Training Centre for Management and Staff employees during the period.  Technical training centre’s library books list and issuance is computerized now
Safety and Environment were given prime importance over the business functions. We remain devoted to maintain the highest standards of health, safety and environment during normal plant operation as well as in shutdowns & turnarounds. Safety culture was promoted through training sessions, safety talks, fire fighting competitions and regular audits.
2nd Dry Run Exercise for heavy ammonia leakage carried out on December 13, 2011 to assess The emergency preparedness against any untoward situation. Firefighting, Rescue training, contractor manpower safety awareness and household safety Training for house wives were also arranged.
Second surveillance audit by the IMS certification agency (M/S BVC) was carried out on November 22-23, 2011. All the management systems and procedures were found conforming to the IMS standards. 6th IMS internal audit was also conducted in October 2011 to check the internal preparedness for external audits
2nd Dry Run Exercise for heavy ammonia leakage carried out on December 13, 2011 to assess the emergency preparedness against any untoward situation.
Firefighting, Rescue training, contractor manpower safety awareness and household safety training for house wives were also arranged.
Second surveillance audit by the IMS certification agency (M/S BVC) was carried out on November 22-23, 2011. All the management systems and procedures were found conforming to the IMS standards.
6th IMS internal audit was also conducted in October 2011 to check the internal preparedness for external audits
Health Awareness Programme:
Dr. ………………….. conducted  presentation  on Dengue fever & its prevention for all management employees in management club on September 20, 2011.
Health Awareness on Prevention of Heart Attack & Dengue Fever Pr ogram:
 was conducted at TTC - MM by Dr. …………… on 12-28 September 2011 two weeks daily lecture and discussion were carried out by him. Programme was attended by 443 staff employees from all departments.

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