Sunday, 13 December 2015

NASA space mission to fight the Death Star prepared to

NASA space mission to fight the Death Star prepared to
New York: Science and technology among developing countries out of the land has now reached klawn And its domination of the world's superpowers klauwn States are engaged in 
preparations for the European and Russian space agencies on one side of the moon If you are preparing to make a permanent home in the United States have begun work on creating a star, any planets Therefore it will be able to destroy the Death Star or death of the star has been named.
NASA space mission to fight the Death Star prepared to
The countries devastating weapons and will not need to spend money on it, but fire will be a star from space And the destruction of a planet that will be enough to destroy any place in the star elements are already present It is only to set. The creator of this theory, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory says Chief Engineer to create a Death Star to send a large staff, but the stars in space by using the material can be easily changed astray death
According to chief engineer in a meteor or stars metals, organic elements, water and all the ingredients are present are needed to prepare a death star. NASA is engaged in the manufacture of star death and astray redirected to this mission has been devised which is increasingly working on it. This mission will put a robot on a meteor and soil samples from the moon's orbit will take place around 2023, which again will be achieved will be the preparation of the Death Star.
Scientists say the fighting in wars star wars ship their goods to move forward quickly and feel immediate responses show His powerful ion thrusters use away from risk were redirected to the NASA mission is making a four ion engines   The view from the ship on which stars will be able to move without risk.
Russia, the European Space Agency, together with the permanent human habitation on the Moon's surface to the North is preparing

Their mission is to convert the moon Death Star plans. The European Space Agency's main scientist, said the agency has taken the first step toward making the Death Star Human base on the moon, the moon has begun preparing a full Death Star can be changed.

Foam Wound To Stop Bleeding In Seconds Develop Vaccines

Foam Wound To Stop Bleeding In Seconds Develop Vaccines
Wilson Valley: Excessive Bleeding From A Wound In The Most Losing Life, But Now The Device Has Been Prepared In United States In Just 15 Seconds, The Blood Of The Human Body Injury Fountains Can Stop.
Foam Wound To Stop Bleeding In Seconds Develop Vaccines
Following The Approval Of The US Drug Authority Tool Called X-Estate Made Part Of The American Ambulance Which Can Be Used Successfully In Combat Zones Of Afghanistan, But Now Ordinary Citizens Have Been What Is Common To All Wounds. The Soft And Elastic Sponge-Like Small Capsules Pieces Are Stuffed Into A Needle Immediately Stop The Flow Of Blood In The Wound And Smajaty When He Went To The Hospital, These Pieces Can Be Pulled Out Easily.
Oregon State Rapid X Humyustyss System Was Developed By A Company
Oregon State Rapid X Humyustyss System Was Developed By A Company In Which The Sponge Is Filled Into A Wound, It Spread Fast In The Wound Sponge Absorbs Blood Flowing And Prevent The Wound Path And Only 15 In Seconds The Blood Flow Stops, Each Sponge Tablet 9.8 Mm Wide And 5 Mm Is Big And Has The Potential To Absorb 3 Ml Of Blood Injected Into Each Of The 92 Are Filled Sponge And Overall It's A The Patient's Blood Are 300 Mm Deep Wound To The Two, But Three Injections Can Be Planted On The Same Wound.
After Filling The Wound Pieces Of Foam Can Be Easily Removed From The Seal
After Filling The Wound Pieces Of Foam Can Be Easily Removed From The Seal, Which Is A Radio In Each Capsule Is Bright In X-Rays. This Invention Bombings And Wars Can Be A Very Effective Tool In Preventing Blood Which Is The Leading Cause Of Death.